29 July 2013 – A Planetary Alignment
Of cosmic proportions.
A cataclysmic milestone in the history of the Universe.
Today is the day the Lord has made for us.
We, who dwell upon this earth.
We, who look to the stars for guidance and prediction.
We, who look to the mechanisms of the solar systems to tell us the science of existence.
Today, each planet is aligned at the perfect angle to our sun to maximize the energy of discovery.
We are being catapulted into new frontiers of knowledge and the incomparable wealth of information to be uncovered here will offer us the answers to the quandaries that beset us so unflinchingly now.
A golden age, a golden time, a golden opportunity to embrace with every atom of our being.
Look to the horizons – they disappear like mists before us, like mirages in the desert.
We transcend the boundaries of space and time.
All the finest minds feed off the thoughts of our collective consciousness.
Like a hotbed of reactionary forces, new ideas rise up and consume the constraining, restrictive habits of the past.
Barriers to the future are torn down and the floodgates of regeneration and innovation are flung wide open, embracing a new order of existence on this planet.
The new vibration, set up by the alignment of our solar system, is so powerful that our own vibrations synchronize with it and we are forced to respond to the new pulse.
Look to your heart and mind, observe your thoughts and notice the new, warm energies that flow there.
This is the energy of creation, where the impossible becomes possible, miracles become the ordinary, and invention is the new playmate of the young.
Blessed are we that live to see such a time.
Blessed are we to witness the explosion of such magnificent energy.
Blessed are we to experience the great genius of the human form and behold the glory of God reflected in Man.
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we are His morning stars who sing for joy and glory and the beauty of His unfolding creation