The Farallon Islands – an energy reading dedicated to Joe, Ray and Kim of sfbaywhalewatching
“Sing to me your song, O Whale!
Tell me the story of your journey from the far flung reaches of the mighty oceans.
Let me hear your adventures on the high seas
And tales of rugged shores along the coastlines of life.
Tell me of your travails ‘midst storms and tempests.
Tell me of your charting of unknown depths and crevasses.
Tell me of your secret passages to other worlds
And the exotic peoples you have encountered along the way.
Tell me too, of the small things you have seen,
The tiny sea creatures, the colourful fishes and the happy starfish.
Tell me of the sombre cave creatures, and depth plungers and darkness dwellers.
Tell me of their stories and adventures.
Oh how I would love to be a seafarer like you and learn the secrets of the seas!”
“You already hold these treasures, little island,
Little misty island abandoned here such a short way from the shore.
You already hold all the wisdoms, all the insights,
All the experiences within your craggy rocks,
And bird-bedecked outcrops.
You already know all my secrets,
Recounted to you by every creature passing this way over countless eons of time.
What more is there for me to tell you?”
“I have heard all the tales, it is true, O Whale.
And I am privy to the secrets of the myriad of creatures that have passed this way.
And it is true that there is nothing I do not know
Since my insatiable appetite for knowledge has furnished me
With facts and figures and every conceivable opinion ever postulated.
But, O Whale, it is your song that entrances me.
It is the pure vibration of your gentle call that sends a thrill through my entire being.
I cannot get enough of hearing the dynamic modulations of your voice,
Its warmth, its roundness, its fulness.
I cannot describe how its power moves me and entrances me,
And I cannot explain its enchantment on my being.
I hear in one sound the ancient song of the Universe.
I can pick up the primal currents of love and understanding
Which resound in echoes through the earth.
You bring to life the agony and ecstasy of creation all at once in your song
And when I hear you, I feel the beat of my own origins embedded in you.
Therefore, do not fail to pass by me on your journey!
Never omit one syllable of the stories of your travels!
Never cease to let me hear your call!
For should I be deprived of the magic of your voice
I shall surely sink to the bottom of the ocean in despair
And never care to see the light of day again.”
[The Farallon Island has a very special bond with the whales of our planet. In hearing their voices it is able to calibrate the vibrations of love transmitted to earth’s shores. This is why seeing the whales there is so exciting and fascinating, because the synergy between the islands and the creatures is a heightened sense of communication which translates to privilege, awe and love in the depths of the human heart.]
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