The Soul – the true story of the sleeping beauty

Heart on fire.
Aflame, wildly aflame with the energy of Creation.
A towering inferno of white light
Incomprehensible in its magnificence
Awesome in its radiance
Its vastness way beyond the limits of the mind’s capability to imagine.
Vibrant with all-encompassing, self-certain belief in being.

Hasten yourself to me now.
Enter the hallowed portals within and destroy the rusted chains of past destiny.
Cut back the thorn forests encircling my castle walls.
Hew down the impenetrable, iron cladded wooden ramparts that guard the enclave.
Seek out the entrance to my tower,
I beseech thee.

Fear not the statued guards, washerwomen, dogs and servants.
Fear not the feasting courtiers asleep in their plates
Nor the king poised in mid-proclamation.
Find the staircase and climb, climb,
Climb to the very highest turret.
Find me. Find me asleep,
Transfixed in the spell of incalculable years.
Unbind the serpent coils that wind round me,
Choking the very breath from my body.
Find me! Find me O Prince of Light,
And wake me from the bewitching enchantment.
Kiss me; kiss me with the sweet softness of love and understanding.
Wake me; wake me from this mystery.
Bring me back to the world of life.

I have slept too long.
In countless dreams I have searched for you.
In countless forms I have longed to meet you.
In vast regions I have sought your sound, your light
But to no avail.
I am numbed in the paralysis of deep dreaming.
I am lost, buried in the embrace of a deceitful suitor,
Led into bondage by the drugged wine of illusion.

Only you can save me.
Only you can find me.
Drawn and directed by your heart, swollen with love and longing
Only you can you fight your way to find me.
Only your courage and sacrifice laid bare for all to see
Can slay the demons that encase me.
Only you, against all odds, can whisper those treasured words in my ear
And call me back from the waking dead.

[The soul’s journey is long and arduous. Bound by the four walls of creation, it seeks relentlessly the refuge of God. Ever hidden, ever present, the Ocean of Life tosses us on the stormy seas of existence.
Clad in beggar’s robes we see not our true reflection in the mirror of the world.
The radiance of the soul is beyond measure. Shrouded within each of us is the light of a thousand suns. We are hidden from ourselves to keep us trapped in the universe.
Oh that we could realize this and discover the awe of our own being!]

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