Mystic Storyteller
Come sit at my feet and listen to my story.
I bring you news from far and wide.
I tell you tales of long ago and of here and now.
I know things.
I know things no one else knows, and I can tell you these things.
Because I have been granted permission to tell you these things.
And with this information, you will be able to make better decisions in your life.
You can be sure that what I tell you is true.
And you can be sure that I will not tell you what I think you want to hear.
I will not hear what you want to know.
I can only tell you what I have been told to tell you.
And you will only hear what you need to hear in your highest and best interest.
These words come to you from the eternal spring.
I am only the mouth of the river that opens into the ocean.
The river flows from the eternal spring to you, the sea.
Hear now the chanting of my voice, and the interweaving of the melody and the moment and learn the secrets of the world around you, that you may heed these tales, revealed now in their truth.
And let your actions be guided by the knowledge I bring.
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Love it!
Thank you Rich. I hope you enjoy the others I write.