The Ratio Phi
I am busy. I am busy everywhere. And you, my friend, Are privy to all the hallmarks of my existence But you...
The Farallon Islands – an energy reading dedicated to Joe, Ray and Kim of sfbaywhalewatching
"Sing to me your song, O Whale! Tell me the story of your journey from the far flung reaches of the mighty...
Yellow. Gold. The colour of my heart. It is not possible to touch me. It is not possible to reach into my...
Nectar of the Gods. Can science really tell what our honey is about? Can learned men dissect it molecule by molecule and...
Aurora Borealis
Sail with me, on this ship of the wind. Over the ocean of silence and stars. Sail with me on the currents...
Grains. I am made up of small, tiny specks of substance. I am so light that any wind worth its salt can...
Oh Rainbow! Melt into my heart in the way that only rainbows can! Look how their colours reflect the glory of the...
Quiet and solitude. This is what you need. You cannot go through this life in the frenzy of action without stopping for...
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