The Star of Bethlehem
Radiant, warm light envelops me. I feel calm and content. I feel I am in good hands. I hear things around me,...
The Crucifixion of Christ
I hang my head in shame. I am forever condemned. As a prisoner of my own indiscretion I have forfeited my life...
I have four letters in my name, Four unprepossessing letters. I am written down in your book so easily, So recognizably, So...
Hear me when I speak to you on the soft winds of change. Open your hearts to the sound of new beginnings....
The Philae Spacecraft – 26/11/2014
It is never too late to try. Failures can be totally misconstrued and disappointment can easily obliterate the evidence of real...
I draw back the curtains. I look across the vistas of time set before me and seek to discover my purpose hidden...
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