The Star of Bethlehem
Radiant, warm light envelops me.
I feel calm and content.
I feel I am in good hands.
I hear things around me, almost I imagine,
Like angels singing.
And in the music I lose all sense of time.
I feel transported to another world.
And I see colours, rich and varied,
So many I have never seen before.
I am lost in wonder.
Am I dreaming?
But this cannot be since I am very much cognizant of my beating heart.
I am aware of every particle of myself.
And I know that, should I wish to leave, I can.
Who are you that I sense around me?
Who holds me close and warm in their arms?
Who sings so sweetly this ethereal refrain?
Important events need to be marked.
A stamp of approval needs to be set upon them
In accordance with the worth and significance of the circumstance.
It is not too often that a celestial body is used as a seal on a propitious occasion.
And it is not often that the hand of the Mover of All Things
Is inspired to mark – so visibly and so dramatically –
An event seemingly only of import to the human race,
And then, seemingly, only in a context
Applicable to a small segment of that population.
There are times in our lives which can never be forgotten:
Times which, by virtue of their magnitude either in shock value or ecstasy value,
Are indelibly imprinted on our hearts and minds,
Never to be erased or lost.
Here, we have an inexplicable natural phenomenon,
Lighting up the night skies,
More brightly visible to those people from so long ago
Than could ever now appear in our electrically generated age,
Foretold by the seers of that time,
And linked, it would seem, to the humble birth of a baby
With no entitlement to an official title or inheritance.
It is as if a cross has been placed
On a treasure map of the whole complex creation,
Giving, to all who can see it,
The coordinates to a trove of precious jewels
And treasure beyond measure.
Follow the steps and you will find it.
How could any clue be more obvious?
How could any signal be demarcated more clearly?
How blind would one have to be to not realize that this is seriously important?
Surely, if it is there for all to see then it must mean something.
And surely, whoever placed the star in the sky
Believed it was that significant a happening
That everyone should know about it,
Down to the least educated and least valued of people.
It must have been like a thunderous shout from the skies,
An in-your-face declaration of “Look here, whoever you are!”
An impossible-to-miss notification of an event declared before all,
By a mighty Being with the power to move the heavens to Its command.
Perhaps we should revisit our thoughts
On the significance of this momentous occasion.
Perhaps, although we know the story and the importance
Of the soul whose birth was marked by it,
We should question why the births of other figures,
Teaching very similar scriptures,
Were not marked in such a manner.
It seems as if there is more to this than meets the eye.
It is as if, even now, we are being told
“The treasure you seek lies here,
At this time, in this place, in this humble heart.”
Perhaps we should try to open our minds,
And explore the knowledge we can find there,
To unlock the answers to this riddle.
I am taken up to the top of a rainbow of light.
I am bathed in incandescent colours.
I become transparent,
And like a prism I refract the rainbow colours
Into a spectacular kaleidoscope
Of translucent crystal light.
I feel perhaps like a star might feel,
Pulsing with vibrant, splendid energy.
And as I look down beneath me
I see an azure blue ball
Radiating its ethereal beauty,
Mystical and magical,
In a calm, patient, velvet sea.
I feel a connection,
I feel a deep communication
Which transcends my capacity to describe its essence.
The best I can do is say that the interconnectedness of all things
Seems to be anchored at this point in the universe;
Where an incomparable star
Was placed on the brow
Of a special baby human being –
A mark impossible to ignore,
Ever to be remembered,
And indelibly engraving in the mind of humanity
The existence of God.
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